Monday, September 18, 2006

Baseball and The Ochoco Review

Lately, I’ve been working doggedly on a blog-based online literary journal for Mount Bachelor Academy. Issues with expense and a lack of administrative support had aborted two of my previous attempts this year, with countless hours involved. I am spending countless new hours on this new (free, and less sexy) approach, which will debut in December as The Ochoco Review.

Hopefully it will ramp up enough support from MBA, as well as its Aspen family of boarding schools and wilderness programs, which could in turn create future funding for a more versatile and flash enabled website. Regardless of the outcome or level support, I am toying with the idea of creating an online student journal with submissions from the larger public. I will give this project a year to help gain the much-needed experience to accomplish this.

No updates on the baseball talisman. I am still holding the ball with the quote from Beth Thorpe. It stays with me, and I have no need to move on from it yet.

P.S. The Oakland Raiders piss me off. I wish I could root for another team, but my blood, my blood is no longer red.


Will said...

Jim, did you know how big of a fan I am of yours?

I've got all of your albums, and I've been to all of your shows:

Jim's Record

Jim's Tape

Jim's Concert Ticket

Jim C-D said...

I'm flattered. I've been hiding out all this time but you found me. Paying those student loans off sure required some "creativity" on my part.

I'm a big fan of yours too. Weren't you in that feel-good zombie comedy that came out recently?

Take Care, and remember: No closer than 500 feet from my house, you freakin' psycho...