Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Letters From the Mountaintop

Goddard College has a tradition of students writing a letter to themselves at the end of each intensive on-campus residency. While going through some old books of mine, this letter, from my Winter '04 residency, fell out from between the pages. The timing for me is still perfect:

Dear Jim,

Write from your spine, without arrogance or false humility- both are a form of self-hatred.

Write as if you were God when he created the universe-made small afterwards.

Indeed, they will increase- you will decrease.

You are a sincere visitor and you are welcome inside.

Cast away your doubt.

Always remember, people are dying a little bit every day. Bring them life- and fill your time doing the same thing for yourself-

You are a love poet-You bring people back into their bodies again-

Expect originality and magic from yourself.



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